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Leopard Early Start Kit

Leopard Early Start Kit

The Leopard Early Start Kit provides developers with advance access to an exclusive collection of digital resources and information — everything you need to deliver innovative applications to your customers when Leopard ships in 2007. So begin innovating now with the Leopard Early Start Kit.

MIAOOOUUUWW! Leopards are KEWL…Go get’em “Tiger”!

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Education/Undervisning Historier/Stories Open Source Technology

Sprogkirkegården – WiKim

Sprogkirkegården – WiKim

Inspireret af Line Pedersens weblog…

Sprogkirkegård… hm, hvad skal man mene om det?

Sprogkirkegården er oprettet fordi vi ikke kan vente på at sprognævnet får etableret deres egen portal. Hvor svært kan det være…

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Videnskab

Den første fugl var en and

Den første fugl var en andDen første fugl var en and (Originally uploaded by K.Job).

Hmm…Illuderet (ahem Illustreret) Videnskab skulle nok overveje at læse det de selv skriver…

For the people with limited grasp of the Danish language…

“And” means “duck” AND “hoax” in Danish…So the first oiseaux (bird, fugl) was a duck (and=hoax)


Blogs Bookmarks Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English)

BLOGBOGSTAVER: Gæt en and: Hvem er Gundel Gaukeley?

BLOGBOGSTAVER: Gæt en and: Hvem er Gundel Gaukeley?

Jeg har ALTID elsket Miss Tick! C’est une “traduction” (ou versione, c’est mieux ça) formidable!

J’aime aussi Mystique de “Les Gens X”, elle est, comme Miss Tick, KAMP-lækker!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

Twi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Twi – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Twi (pronounced ‘chwee’ [tÉ•Ê·i]) is a language spoken in Ghana by about 7 million people. It is one of the three dialects of the Akan language, the others being Akuapem Twi and Fante, which in turn belongs to the Kwa language family. Within Ghana, Twi is spoken in the Ashanti Region and in parts of the Eastern, Western, Central, Volta and Brong Ahafo Regions.

Twi is an absoulutely beautiful language I was SO fortunate to attend a mass in, just by chance, in Steffanskirken this sunday, I had no idea that the Danish State Church was THAT spacious.

I haven’t cried since. Alice Taylor R.I.P. (now a tear is making a feeble attempt at working it’s way to the tear canal, but the force is with me, I’m strong! You be strong too, follow the white light).

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

Leo’s Lyrics Database – Bikstok Røgsystem – Unger lyrics

Leo’s Lyrics Database – Bikstok Røgsystem – Unger lyrics

Leo’s Lyrics…Hmm not quite as good as LyricsFreak, but I still found the lyrics to Bikstok Røgsystem’s fantastic song Unger (Kids) – we need to relay this to the troubled inner city kids, like the one’s that went joyriding this friday – SHEER luck no-one got hurt, a car is a leathal weapon!

Hvordan ka det være du si’r du nede med bling bling
Eaggermand sidder der på gaden han ser den sam’ting
For mange mennesker drøner rundt med deres blim blim
De burde vide de burde lære det er den forkerte ting
Hvordan ka det være du si’r du nede med sleng teng
Det er reggae og de kalder mig deh danceking
For meget snak men du si’r jo ik’ en damn ting
Du går med kniv men jeg holder mig til ginseng

Kujon går med kniv soldat med gevær
Det var det han sagde hvordan ka det være I ikke ka’ la’ vær’

Feeble (no that’s self depreciation – Janteloven in effect – I’m learning) attempt at a translation:

How come you say you’re down with bling-bling
Eaggermand sitting on the street watching the same thing
Too many people running round with their blim blim
They should know they should learn it’s the wrong thing
How come you say you’re down with bad things
This is regae and they call me the danceking
Too much talk but you don’t say a damn thing
You carry a knife but I’ll stick with ginseng

Coward carries knife soldier a gun
That’s what the man said how come you just can’t stop

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

LyricsFreak: Human League | The Sound Of The Crowd lyrics

Human League | The Sound Of The Crowd lyrics

Get around town
Get around town
Where the people look good
Where the music is loud
Get around town
No need to stand proud
Add your voice to the sound of the crowd

LyricsFreak…Didn’t know about this FANTASTIC site until now! Owned!

Blogs Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English)


KøbenhavnerbilledeKøbenhavnerbillede (Originally uploaded by K.Job).

The girl in the mirror
La femme chat
L’oiseaux lumieux
L’homme noir
Le magicién

Etions nous dans l’image?

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

Être – Wikipédia

Être – Wikipédia

Typical French…I was looking for a guide on how to write the present tense plural 2nd person, and I get this metaphysical stuff…C’est cool…Mais…

I know I’m not worthy…

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

The Joy of Tech comic: The latest hot accesory… laughter is the best tech support

The Joy of Tech comic… laughter is the best tech support.

Joy of tech did it AGAIN…Actually it’s not even funny! Hey doesn’t that woman look familiar, she looks JUST like a friend of mine, sans the hat, shades and earrings it IS her.