Blogs Design Kim Blog (English) Music Technology

BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple unveils cut-price iPod nano and MY ode to the shuffle

BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple unveils cut-price iPod nano

Well…In keeping with tradition, commenting all the new product launches made by Apple, rather than spending my time speculating (too much) about the mysterious ways in which the infinite loop moves…Apple has, as expected, just announced a 1GIG iPod nano, and that they’re lowering the price of the iPod shuffle.

The biggest news is that the shuffle hasn’t been sent to the scrapheap – wow an Apple iPod product without any updates for more than a year, except a price cut – a first?

I’m happy that the little fellow is still with us. The shuffle really offers a completely different approach to portable digital music, I’d go as far as to call it a philosophy, than any other player on the market (besides the ill fated Motorola ROKR phone).

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Music Technology

BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple addresses iTunes concerns

BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple addresses iTunes concerns

Apple has announced that they’re addressing the privacy concerns over the MiniStore feature introduced with iTunes 6.0.2, that I reported on earlier.

According to the BBC article above, this is amongst the changes:

The changes include a pop-up warning about MiniStore that gives users a chance at installation to turn off the feature so no recommendations are made and no data is passed back to Apple.

So far I haven’t seen a new version in my software updates.

But Apple has definitely done the right thing.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Music Technology

BBC NEWS | Technology | Snooping fears plague new iTunes

Like I predicted in a previous post, Apple has come under fire because of privacy concerns regarding the new MiniStore feature introduced with iTunes 6.0.2.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Snooping fears plague new iTunes

The comments made by the critics are indeed valid, and Apple has to be criticised for launching such a fundamentally new feature, without any mention, and with a minor point release, going from version 6.0.1 to 6.0.2.

Apple has released information on how to turn the MiniStore off, and it has been confirmed by independent sources, that there is no communication with the iTunes servers if you turn the MiniStore off.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Music Technology

New version of iTunes released

A new version, 6.0.2, of iTunes has been released. The new point release of iTunes wasn’t mentioned in the keynote by Steve Jobs earlier on tuesday. So far I’ve only noticed one major change, and it’s the addition of a feature called MiniStore. This feature is turned on by default, and it adds a sub-window to the Library browser window, where Featured Artists, Main Categories, New Releases, Top Songs and Top Albums from the iTunes Music Store are displayed in a condensed Music Store view, thus the name MiniStore.

But the MiniStore goes beyond this, showing context sensitive information about the artists from the Music Store, as you browse your music library.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

“Plantage” by Amanita Design, music by Under Byen

“Plantage” by Amanita Design, music by Under Byen

Really cool Flash based music video featuring the alternative danish band “Under Byen” (en: “Beneath the city”).

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

The White Stripes – The Denial Twist – Video

The White Stripes – The Denial Twist – Video

Too bad that this new video by The White Stripes isn’t included in my Michel Gondry DVD collection. It’s stunning as one have come to expect when Gondry adds his Midas touch, and when he works with The White Stripes it’s always groundbreaking.

I really have to check out the features and shorts by Michel Gondry.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

Basement Jaxx – Cish Cash – Video

Basement Jaxx – Cish Cash – Video

This is a link to the fantastic video for the Basement Jaxx track Cish Cash. Hmm…The track seems to have been renamed from Kish Kash to Cish Cash – I wonder why?

Blogs Bookmarks Design Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Music Technology

Telegraph | News | Interview with the top designer at Apple

Telegraph | News | His goal was to make it simple to use and a joy to look at. He succeeded. The result was the iPod

This article from the Telegraphy, features an interview with Jonathan Ive, top designer from Apple. The attention to detail, like the design of screen hinge on the iMac G5, is really made clear from reading this interview.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Sex Pistols join rock’s fame list

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Sex Pistols join rock’s fame list

This is quite funny, considering that Johnny Rotten reportedly called the “Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame” a “Hall of Shame”, and “the place that old rockers go to die”.

Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music Technology – custom radio stations based on music profiles is a really clever idea. You install a plug-in for your media player, that automatically uploads a list of songs you’ve listened to. Based on your preferences, the music you’ve listened to and other users preferences, the service can make recommendations for you, for instance, based on similarity.