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Weaving an untangled web – The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project

FOAF Project LogoThe Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project

I really need to “get out more”, since I’ve only just now discovered the Friend of a Friend project (FOAF), and I LOVE it!

The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) project is creating a Web of machine-readable pages describing people, the links between them and the things they create and do.

Say what?

FOAF is an important part of the so-called semantic-web, and FOAF is just a so-called RDF specification of who you are. RDF (Resource Description Framework) is one of the basic technologies of the semantic web, and it’s nothing more (or should I say less) than an XML schema condoned by the W3C for describing resources.

Think of RDF as “the mother of all links”, RSS and Atom actually uses RDF.

The problem with links

So what is that RDF does better than the tradtional link?

When you create a link, you rarely remember to provide important information about what it is that you actually link to. At best you provide an ALT attribute (description) to an image tag. Google actively uses the ALT tag when indexing images, but if the link to an image contained more information, eg. semantics, Google could do a much better job.

Semantics means that you provide information about content and context, not just a link to it. You could call that metadata, abstracts or just “data”.

Many CMSes uses the URI of posts to provide some semantics, it’s often called SEO (search engine optimisation), the URI of this post has FOAF in it, meaning that a link to this article indeed contains some semantics.

A common standard for the WordPress CMS is that it uses year, month, day and the title of the post to generate the URI.

The problem is that this information should be provided in a structured, machine readable and – most importantly – open format, in order to make it possible to provide semantics.

I actually despise the concept of SEO, since it amounts to cheating, the only valid SEO is:
“provide interesting content”

A semantic “you”

A number of standards for providing semantics exists, one of the most interesting, especially in this day and age of social media, is the FOAF format.

FOAF is a format that describes you and your connections to provide semantics about people (you) and your connections (friends), in a standardised way, using RDF.

The FOAF file contains information about who you are, how to contact you, but most interestingly it contains links to your friends, and their FOAF files.

The beauty of FOAF is, that all you have to do, is:

  1. Create a FOAF file, for instance using FOAF-a-matic
  2. Put it on a server
  3. Provide the URI
  4. Make sure that it can be found by others (e.g. by posting a link on a page you know is indexed)

Chances are that the FOAF spiders will have a feast on your FOAF, sooner rather than later.

Create your FOAF file

It’s quite simple to create a FOAF file, all you need to do is go to FOAF-a-matic, fill in a number of fields, generate the FOAF file, copy it to a text-editor, publish it on your web-site.

Below is a screenshot of the FOAF-a-matic page.

FOAF-a-matic screenshot

Take back your profile, it’s…YOURS!

No need to register with social networking sites, your profile is YOURS.

Who owns the information about “who you are”? You do! Should that information be made available in an open format? You bet! RDF and FOAF is the way to go.

And don’t take my word for it, just take a look at the people who are promoting and developing RDF and FOAF…

So how did the chicken cross the road

I’ll provide you with the story about how I found FOAF, since it’s interesting to say the least.

My good buddy Sebastian Lund just recently set up his blog, Silence is deafening, and I’m looking forward to following it, he’s using a beautiful theme, the Dilectio Theme, developed by Design Disease.

Design Disease has a number of free WordPress themes available, and you can test them, when I tried that, their “Lorem Ipsum” turned out to be an article by no other that TBL, timbl, Tim Berners-Lee, Mr. Web himself, and he was writing about blogging and FOAF…


What an untangled web we’re weawing.

Now I need to think of a good URI for my FOAF file, TBL suggests this:

A lot of people have published data about themselves without using a URI for themselves. This means I can’t refer to them in other data. So please take a minute to give yourself a URI. If you have a FOAF page, you may just have to add rdf:about=”” and voila you have a URI (I suggest you use your initials for the last bit). Check it works in the Tabulator.

Ready, steady FOAF

So what are you waiting for? Create your own FOAF file, and start sharing.

And now I’m moving on to explore Tabulator, more on that later…

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music – Recommendations digest. They “own” you – but I like it! has just come up with another useful feature: personalised recommendations in you inbox, and unlike iTunes weekly mail, the recommendations e-mail actually contains recommendations that are useful to me.

What I really like, is that I get recommendations for live acts, I might never miss a live act, I’d love to see in the future, due to this. is the “Mother of Big Brothers”, and they own you, but I like it, and it will mean that I go to see more live acts, and that is really one of things I love the most.

Keep it up <3.

Blogs Education/Undervisning Hackers Historier/Stories Kim Blog (English) Photography

“Angels” and “Demons” are lurking in your web-mail – kim.bach invites you to join Zorpia

Kim Bach: Pilgrim with an auraAccept my sincere apologies for spamming you with Zorpia invites

Zorpia is a spam-trap, so please DON’T register with the service.

I know that you used to trust me, but you shouldn’t trust me this time. Zopia are terrible people, but sometimes good things come from bad, so:

Blogs Computere og Internet Kim Blog (English) Technology

Jaiku-Jabber-Doo: Your “presence pusher” has arrived

Jaiku LogoI’m obviously not done writing about Jaiku, the remarkable microblogging web-application, that you can use to stay updated on what you, and your contacts are “up-to”, by following the so-called presence streams, or log of “Jaikus”, that are maintained by your contacts.

A “Jaiku” is a short message, that could be a link to a weblog entry, a photo or a TEXT message sent from your phone. Each “Jaiku” become a “presence message”, i.e. something you produced – indicating that you’re “present”. As written earlier, I love the concept.

The reason I’m writing about Jaiku again, is because they have released, in closed beta-testing, integration with the instant messengering (IM) protocol Jabber. Jabber is, for instance, the IM protocol that is used by Google Talk.

Besides the possibility of receiving presence updates as IMs, you can also update your presence by simply sending an IM to the Jaiku bot.

It works great, and it’s really convenient to have your presence stream pushed as Instant Messages, instead of having to pull it manually, by updating the web-page.

The only problem I had was that I couldn’t sign up for the beta from the web-based Google Talk client, so I had to fire-up my favourite IM application, Adium.

After I sent the activation code from Adium, I immediately began receiving messages from Jaiku in both Adium, web-based Google Talk and on my Nokia N800 Internet Tablet.

You can track progress on “Jaiku-Jabber-Doo” on the #imku Jaiku channel.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Caféer og Restauranter

Jaiku | Wifi-café i indre by. Anyone?

Jaiku LogoJaiku | Wifi-café i indre by. Anyone?

(opdateret 21-Juni-2007 @ 8:30 am)

For første, men sikkert ikke sidste, gang skriver jeg inspireret af en “presence stream” på Jaiku.

Denne gang blev der bare spurgt om der var nogle der kendte en café i indre by med Wi-Fi (trådløst netværk tilsluttet Internettet).

Og vupti kom der nogle gode forslag.

  • Drop-Inn
    MJ Coffee

Men det fik mig til at stille dette spørgsmål:

Er man moralsk forpligtet til at købe noget, hvis man bruger en åben Wi-Fi stillet til rådighed af en café? Jeg mener – man kan jo ofte sidde/stå et stykke væk, specielt med de dimser jeg render rundt med. Bænken overfor Drop-Inn er f.eks. behagelig, der er plads til mere end en, dækningen er god nok, og to-go kaffen købt andet steds var glimrende.

Svaret er vel en no-brainer, som Shevy indirekte påpegede: Man skal naturligvis støtte caféernes Wi-Fi direkte ved at købe noget.

På den anden side slider man jo ikke på inventar eller optager en plads, og man signalerer jo heller ikke direkte at man bruger caféen fordi den tilbyder Internet adgang, bare fordi man er der.

Så jeg kunne godt tænke mig en mulighed for at støtte caféers Wi-Fi, uden altid at føle mig forpligtet til at købe dyr kaffe, hvis jeg bare skal checke min mail.

Løsningen kunne være at FON stod for Wi-Fi i samarbejde med en af de store Internet udbydere, således at Wi-Fi blev mere bredt tilgængeligt, og caféerne blev holdt skadesløse.

Når det er sagt så er det meget sjældent at jeg har snyltet på en cafées hotspot, men jeg kan godt forudse at det kommer til at ske oftere og oftere i fremtiden.

I denne sammenhæng kom jeg i tanke om noget der har undret mig…

Allerede for 3 år siden så jeg Wi-Fi telefonbokse i New York…Kommer det nogensinde til disse længdegrader? Personligt synes jeg det ville være genialt, ikke mindst i takt med at Wi-Fi bliver indbygget i “alt”.


'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Caféer og Restauranter Historier/Stories Musik Fra “Second Life” til “First Life” i en helvedes fart – fordi IRL det er 24-karat

Wendelboe oprettede for et par dage siden en tråd om Jaiku på det danske Mac og Apple forum: Macnyt: Jaiku:

Kim Bach henviste forleden til Jaiku (Udtales som var det et dansk ord..), og jeg er blevet forelsket i lortet.. Men man kan hurtigt savne kontakter.. Så mange spændende ting, render Kim heller ikke og laver.. Er der ikke nogen her som bruger det?

Og her er hvad der så skete:

Her er da det bedste eksempel på hvad alle disse services kan bruges til..

Igår sad jeg og kedede mig da følgende tikkede ind på Kim Bach’s Jaiku:

IRL tip: Vesterbro. Right now Frappé with Hazzelnut. I’m a happy camper B-)

Og 15 minutter efter sad jeg på Kaffe og Vinyl med Mr. Bach og min helt egen frappé.. Det er da sejt!

Fra Second Life til First Life i en helvedes fart
Fordi IRL det er 24-karat

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Technology – follow my “presence” channel and see what I’m “up to”

Jaiku Logo@reboot9 the online presence social site Jaiku was used to host the backchannel, so I decided to join.
I must admit that I didn’t really “get it”, until I tried it, but now I’m sort of addicted to it.

Jaiku, and similar services like Twitter, is a great way to keep “track” of what your contacts are “up to”.

You can follow what I’m “up to” by tuning into my Jaiku “channel” here

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks

BlogTjek 07 – Undersøgelse af danske bloglæsnings vaner – Velkommen

BlogtjekBlogTjek 07 – Undersøgelse af danske bloglæsnings vaner – Velkommen

Som et resultat af BlogForum 2006, der var et af højdepunkterne i 2006, er BlogTjek 07 gået i luften.

Jeg er naturligvis tilmeldt undersøgelsen, så hvis du har tid og lyst så kan du gå til undersøgelsen ved at klikke her.

Det tager ikke ret lang tid at udfylde spørgeskemaet.

Blogs Kim Blog (English)

Joined Orkut

Joined orkut – extremely interesting – the Internet is finally comming of age – lets see what happens next. Actually that way of networking seems to be manageable, which is the major problem I’ve had with the Internet. I bascially pulled the plug on networking using the net 11½ years ago. I met my ex-wife on the proto Internet – the RIME network – and that actually scared me “straight” – she actually left her family behind including a child aged 4 and a husband.