Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Rumforskning Videnskab

ESA – Results from Mars Express and Huygens

ESA – Results from Mars Express and Huygens

The European Space Agency has published results from findings of the Mars Express and Huygens probes.

There are strong hints that liquid water-ice exists deep underground on Mars. Existence of water is a prerequisite for extended stays on Mars, e.g. colonies, where the settlers will have to live off the land.

The Huygens probe, that was hitching a ride with the Cassini Saturn orbiter, discovered that Titan is, in many respects, similar to Earth.

Congratulations to ESA with the success of these missions, and the groundbreaking science that they have provided.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

The Apple Sudden Motion Sensor

The Apple Sudden Motion Sensor

Just to follow up on the previous post, where I mentioned…

I stumbled upon because Amit Singh, who runs the site, has written some cool utilites that utilise the sudden motion sensor (AMS) in the newest PowerBooks (since january 2005). The article also digs into some OS X internals, for the so inclined.

Here’s a QuickTime clip that shows the utilties in action.

The AMS really has some potiential, real-world, applications, and it must be something quite similar that is used for the controller, that has been announced for the Nintendo Revolution console.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Mactopia Technology

A History of Apple’s Operating Systems

A History of Apple’s Operating Systems

This is a great article on the history of Apple’s OSes since the very begining.

It is taken from the excelent site that is managed by Amit Singh.

Amit Singh is currently working on a book called “OS X Internals”, it sounds like a “must have”.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Sex Pistols join rock’s fame list

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Sex Pistols join rock’s fame list

This is quite funny, considering that Johnny Rotten reportedly called the “Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame” a “Hall of Shame”, and “the place that old rockers go to die”.

Blogs Bookmarks Education/Undervisning Lektiehjælpen (Danish)

Klubben i Mjølnerparken giver etniske børn nøglerne til bedre integration

Kronikken “Når klubben i Mjølnerparken giver børn fra etniske minoritetsgrupper nøglerne til at blive bedre integreret i det danske samfund”, skrevet af Journalist Monica C. Madsen og offentliggjort den 7-Nov-2005 på, er et interview med Sjakkets leder, Khosrow Bayat; Klub 36s leder, Assad Keblawi, og medarbejder i Klub 36, Nadim Barakji.

Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Music Technology – custom radio stations based on music profiles is a really clever idea. You install a plug-in for your media player, that automatically uploads a list of songs you’ve listened to. Based on your preferences, the music you’ve listened to and other users preferences, the service can make recommendations for you, for instance, based on similarity.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Rumforskning Videnskab

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Project Paperclip: Dark side of the Moon

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Project Paperclip: Dark side of the Moon

An article describing the so called Project Paperclip, that aimed to secure the brightest of the Nazi German scientists for the US – most of whom were die-hard Nazis.

Without the sacrifice of thousands in the Nazi labour camps where the V2 rockets were produced, we would not have gotten to moon as early as we did.

Food for thought!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology

iriver – portable digital devices on steriods

iriver eats Appleiriver Global Home – portable digital devices on steriods

When it comes to features in portable digitial devices, iriver runs circles around Apple. iriver even have the audacity to market some of their new products using a picture of an attractive lady eating an apple – yummy 😀

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Technology

Reporters sans frontières – Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents

Reporters sans frontières – Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents

RSF has published a handbook for bloggers – eg. indivduals that publish to the web – like yours truly. In many countries with totalitarian regimes, bloggers are the only real journalists.
This is a very useful guide…Including detailed instructions on how to publish to the Internet annonymously – e.g. using proxies. Big thumbs up to RSF.

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English)

Reporters sans frontières – The 15 enemies of the Internet and other countries to watch

Reporters sans frontières – WSIS
The 15 enemies of the Internet and other countries to watch

Reporters sans frontières – Reporters witout Borders – is the journalistic free-speech equivalent of Medicins sans Frontièrs.

RSF has just released a list of the countries that could be consideres the “enemies” of the Internet, as well as a list of countries “to watch”.