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Die Vernunft

Erasmus of Rotterdam censoreret af Index Librorum Prohibitorum
Erasmus of Rotterdam censoreret af Index Librorum Prohibitorum
(Lester K. Born, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)
  • Es ist das Schicksal jedes Fanatismus, daß er sich selbst überspielt. Die Vernunft, sie, die ewige und still geduldige, kann warten und beharren. Manchmal, wenn die anderen trunken toben, muß sie schweigen und verstummen. Aber ihre Zeit kommt, immer kommt sie wieder.
  • Fanaticism is fated to overreach its own powers. Reason is eternal and patient, and can afford to bide its time. Often, while the drunken orgy is at its highest, she needs must lie still and mute. But her day dawns, and ever and again she comes into her own anew.

Stefan ZweigTriumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam (Erasmus of Rotterdam)



Stefan Zweig, 60, Austrian-born novelist, biographer, essayist (Amok, Adepts in Self-Portraiture, Marie Antoinette), and his wife, Elizabeth; by poison; in Petropolis, Brazil. Born into a wealthy Jewish family in Vienna, Zweig turned from casual globe-trotting to literature after World War I, wrote prolifically, smoothly, successfully in many forms. His books banned by the Nazis, he fled to Britain in 1938 with the arrival of German troops, became a British subject in 1940, moved to the U.S. the same year, to Brazil the next. He was never outspoken against Naziism, believed artists and writers should be independent of politics. Friends in Brazil said he left a suicide note explaining that he was old, a man without a country, too weary to begin a new life. His last book: Brazil: Land of the Future

TIME Magazine – Milestones, Mar. 2, 1942

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Follow the dot

Follow the dot

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We were warned about the “Crazy Murdering Software Bugs”

Some time ago this comic strip was published

It actually took me some time to figure it out.

The robots are programmed in the programming language C, and the robots went berserk because the engineers simply missed an equal sign in a conditional statement, turning it into an assignment instead of a comparison.

This kind of an error is called a software bug.

Software bugs are very real, and can have have dire consequences, here’s a list of some of the most significant ones. The list includes rocket, airplane and helicopter crashes, patients dying from radiation overdoses and payments ending up in the wrong accounts, so why not crazy murdering robots?

Somewhat alarming, it is possible to make the same mistake in the more modern programming languages, C#, Java and JavaScript that are derived from C, and it makes me wonder why these languages even permit this, and old languages like BASIC and ALGOL never did?

My guess is that it is mostly to maintain compatibility with it’s predecessor C, and that it can be useful in some cases, but I consider it strange and potentially dangerous, and it makes me wonder if current mainstream programming languages, especially those derived directly from C, should be our choice for programming anything.


A redeeming factor, is that for instance the C# development tools warns us about the error, and that the compiler even suggests the correct solution, but it’s still possible to run the program, and make the robot a crazy murdering one.

We were warned about the CrazyMurderingRobots

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The Look of Love

“So you’re from Damascus”?

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Blogs Computere og Internet Education/Undervisning Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Dear Facebook – we’re not friends

Do you think Facebook cares about it’s users?

“There should be more options, this is why I qualify my vote of “strongly disagree”.

You run a business, and are EXTREMELY good at it, keep up the good work and keep on working with open source software and contribute back.

But do you care about me? I don’t feel it, and I’m not addicted to your service, it would just make my life much more boring and cumbersome it I didn’t use it.

To conclude: your tools are invaluable and impressive, not because you care about me, but because you run a business and would like to grow it, it’s a win-win, but we’re not friends”



Please be my friends on facebook – I know I unfriended you, but it was an art experiment 😉

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Where do blogs go when they “die”?

No 404For the last couple of days I have been investigating why I couldn’t make conditional feature installation work in a Microsoft Installer (MSI) package.

Google to the rescue, but it sent me in a lot of different directions, none to the point, but then I finally managed to formulate the correct search terms:

Google search: installshield conditionally install feature

And on page two this article showed up:

MSI Application Packaging: Conditionally Installing a Feature

Here I found the solution I was looking for: have each feature, conditionally, set the INSTALLLEVEL property “correctly”, the last bit was not as simple as I thought.

Oldie but goodie

But…WAIT…That article is from 2005, and the newest entry on the blog is from 2005! The author seems to have lost interest after a few months of activity.

It’s quite amazing that a blog, that has been “dead” for 12 yrs, could give me the solution.

This is why you might want to go for a “hosted” blog solution, like Blogspot, instead of hosting your blog yourself.

If you do, there’s a better chance that your content won’t get vandalised due to unpatched software, go to eternal bit fields because you stop paying, in short avoid the dreaded error 404s.

This page must get significant traffic, and a lot of people might have benefitted from this, still I was the first to leave a comment.

So you wanna live forever?

OTOH, does it really matter? “I”‘m on and so is MSI Application Packaging

And you might not be aware of this, but the Danish Royal Library is harvesting content from the entire Danish web: Netarkivet (The Net Archive) — Det Kgl. Bibliotek too.

The content is only available to researchers through Kulturarvsclusteret (The Cultural Heritage Cluster) – Big data møder dansk kulturarv — Det Kgl. Bibliotek.

So just make your site available for indexing, ie. crawling, and you’re gonna live “forever”.

Blogs Computere og Internet Education/Undervisning Frivillig arbejde Hackers Historier/Stories IT Guruer Kim Blog (English) Livet NGOs Open Source Technology Undervisning

Snowden II

Press release from the office of POTUS

Washington January 21st 2017

As outlined in the inaugural speech January 20th 2017 by POTUS, the POTUS would, as one of the first actions, work to bring U.S. Citizen, cyber terrorist, Edward Joseph Snowden to justice.

This early morning Russian police arrested Mr. Snowden and deported him to his last country of origin, Hong Kong, where a US. airplane waited for him. In the airport Mr. Snowden brandished something that looked like a knife, and he was fatally injured in the head by Hong Kong police, Mr. Snowden died 30 minutes later from his injuries.

The funeral took place at sea from USS Enterprise.

In the investigation ordered by Congress, it was revealed that Mr. Snowden wasn’t brandishing a knife but a plastic toy called a Rubik’s cube, that he was holding behind his back.

WIRED - Edward Snowden

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“The Prime Time Of Your Life”

“The Prime Time Of Your Life”

The prime time of your life
The prime time of your life
The prime time of your life

Now, live it, the prime time of your life
Now, live it, the prime time of your life
Now, live it, the prime time of your life

(do it)
Now, (and) live it (today), the prime time of your life
(do it)
Now, (and) live it (today), the prime time of your life

(come on and do it)
Now, (don’t wait and) live it (today), the prime time of your life
(come on and do it)
Now, (don’t wait and) live it (today), the prime time of your life
(come on and do it)
Now, (don’t wait and) live it (today), the prime time of your life
(come on and do it)
Now, (don’t wait and) live it (today), the prime time of your life

The prime time of your life
The prime time of your life