My attention was just drawn (badam tisch!) to the works of Julian Beever, instead of linking to the sites that posts copies of his works, I googled him a little and found this homepage.
Julian Beever has specialised in pavement drawings that plays tricks on the eye, “anamorphic 3D projections” I believe that they’re called, I came to think of M.C. Escher when looking at his pictures.
When viewed from the right angle, these drawings look three dimensional.
Regarding M.C. Escher, I was once told a story about the love mathematicians has for M.C. Escher.
In the story, a mathematician that admired M.C. Escher, once meet with him, only to discover, to his disappointment, that M.C. Escher had no detailed knowledge of advanced mathematics.
Made me wonder if Julian Beever has a love for mathematics.
2 replies on “Julian Beever – Amazing 3D illusion pavement drawings”
Trompe l’oeil it’s called.
It’ an old habit of artists.
Fascinating sometimes.
You’re right Gunnar…There’s an amazing one, painted on a table, at the Frederiksborg Castle, if memory serves…