Blogs Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Who needs Windows?

The cover of the September 1990 issue of BYTE Magazine showed a screen-shot of Windows 3.0, with following the sentence in big types:

“Who needs OS/2?”

With the endless delays of Windows Vista now is the time to turn the tables and ask this question:

“Who needs Windows?”

I urge you to take the Pepsi-Challenge with the alternatives, Linux or Mac OS X. I think you’ll like it.

And it’s easier than ever to try at least one of the alternatives.

Simply get a Linux Live CD, I recommend Ubuntu, and boot from it. Ubuntu is free, and the Live CD will leave your precious Windows untouched, at least until you get a Linux Install CD. Ubuntu comes bundled with the most important applications, including desktop productivity tools (, instant messaging (Gaim) and an Internet browser (Mozilla Firefox).

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Bookmarks Open Source Technology

Manu Cornet’s website – PCkapring nu på Dansk

Manu Cornet’s website PCJacking/PCKapring

Så er Manu Cornets PCJacking side tilgængelig på Dansk, takket være undertegnede. Nyd…

Og skal vi SÅ komme i gang!

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Computerworld – Sander: Ukendte konsekvenser ved åbent format

Computerworld – Sander: Ukendte konsekvenser ved åbent format

Man må sige at der sker ting og sager for tiden, jeg skal lige gennemtygge Hr. Sanders svar.

Fr. Holmsgaard var, som det tør være trofaste læsere bekendt, med i panel debatten om dokumentformater på Linuxforum 2006. Det var tydeligt at hun er i Open Document Format (ODF) lejren, jeg syntes faktisk hun sad og små-flirtede med Simon Phipps, COSO (Chief Open Source Source Officer) fra SUN Microsystems.

Det er naturligvis ikke helt så nemt som ODF lejren vil havde det til at se ud.

(Meget) mere senere.

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Open Source Technology

Status over Linuxforum 2006 – business dagen

Linuxforum 2006Det blev jo ikke til så meget med den lovede live reportage fra Linuxforum 2006, men nu er det på tide at gøre lidt status. Det var et spændende arrangement, men jeg savnede måske lidt mere hands-on, og praktiske erfaringer fra det offentliges brug af open source.

Jeg har valgt at dele min reportage op i to, her følger først mine indtryk fra første dagen, fredag, også kaldet “business dagen“.

Business dagen var, som jeg havde forventet – OK det skyldes nok også mit valg af sessioner – meget, eller rettere Open Document Format (ODF) orienteret, ikke specielt sexet, men det er bestemt en meget vigtig diskussion, og den er meget vigtigere end diskussionen om hvilken software pakke vi skal anvende til vores kontor produktivitet. Det handler om hvem der ejer vores dokumenter, ikke teknologi.

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Startskuddet til Linuxforum 2006 lyder i morgen

Linuxforum 2006: Forside

Så er det i morgen at startskuddet til det 9’ende Linuxforum 2006, der afholdes på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole – Philip de Langes Allé – 1435 København K, lyder. Det bliver spændende at deltage for anden gang – sidste år var det et fremragende arrangement.

Umiddelbart ser programmet i år lidt tyndere ud end sidste år, hvor der på business dagen var flere talere fra det offentlige, og på den tekniske dag var der flere seminarer der handlede om software udvikling.

I år syntes jeg det ser ud til at der er flere “generelle” indslag, og stor fokus på OpenOffice.Org. OpenOffice.Org er et spydspids projekt, og jeg velkommer sådan set den store fokus på dette projekt, selv om jeg ikke mener at OpenOffice.Org er det vigtigste, så er det nok det mest kendte.

Jeg har planlagt at rapportere løbende fra Linuxforum 2006, så “stay tuned”.

Mulige højdepukter:
Fredag er der bla. arrangeret en panel debat hvor top repræsentanter for SUN Microsoft, OpenOffice.Org og lovgiverne tørner sammen. Jeg kan da frygte at det ikke bliver alt for konstruktivt.

Lørdag glæder jeg mig til at høre om en af de førende AJAX applikationer, Google Maps, fra manden selv, Lars Rasmussen.

Ellers har jeg planlagt at deltage i følgende seminarer:

09:45-10:45 Store Sal Louis Suarez-Potts: Migration to
10:45-11:45 Store Sal Simon Phipps, Sun Microsystems: The Zen of Free – The Virtuous Cycle of Open Source
12:30-13:30 Aud. 6 Paneldebat: og Microsoft – slaget om fremtidens dokumentstandarder

13:30-14:30 Martin von Haller:
Ansvar for open source løsninger
14:30-15:30 Aud. 4 Flemming G. Jensen, ValueObjects:
Praktisk anvendelse af Clusterfilsystemer til Linux

09:15-10:30 Store Sal Lars Rasmussen: Google Maps
14:00-15:00 Aud. 4 Ronald Jaramillo: Webapplikations udvikling med TurboGears
15:00-16:00 Store Sal Mirko Dölle: Digital Video Recording with VDR
19:00-21:00 Store Sal Evening keynote Dan Klein: Perfect Data in an Imperfect World

Blogs Bookmarks Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Manu Cornet’s website – PCJacking – make the Open source world advance

Returning to fUSION Anomaly, the site also features an Anomalog, and I found this great tip, that I want to pass on, courtesy of fUSION Anomalog: The tip first surfaced on the web-site of Manu Cornet PCJacking.

Quoted from the article PCJacking on the fUSION Anomalog, (accessed on the 1-Mar-2006):

PCjacking is sticking Linux Live CDs in computers located in popular department stores, to let the customers know that something other than Windows exists. If you think it’s an useful thing to do, try it yourself ! PCjacking is totally safe for the hijacked PC, and leaves it completely unaltered.


Here’s how to do it :
1. Get a Knoppix CD image, or another Linux Live CD [added by Kim Bach: e.g. Ubuntu], and burn it to a plain CD-R. Make as many copies as you need to perform your pcjacking.
2. Write something on the CD so that people working in the store understand what this is for, and how to get their Windows back.
3. Take your CD and a camera to a popular PC seller, and look for your prey. It can be a desktop or a laptop, but you need to be able to access its CDROM drive, and hopefully, its keyboard.
4. Before inserting the CD, take a look at the screen resolution in Windows settings. Set the sound volume to its minimum, so that the Windows “byebye” sound won’t be heard in the whole store. Then put the CD in, and reboot the computer.
5. When the Knoppix startup screen appears, you need to let it know the screen resolution it should use (this might not be necessary, but I found that using the default boot options sometimes leads to a “out of range” message on the screen, the guys at Knoppix need to raise the default value or provide a better detection of the screen). For example, type “knoppix screen=1024×768”. Careful if you don’t live in the US : the keyboard layout is the US one here. Then press enter.
6. Go a few meters away. You’re safe now, even if somebody notices, they won’t know it was you. Wait one or two minutes for the system to boot, then take out your camera and take a few shots at your masterpiece. Who knows, maybe you don’t have anything to do with this, but you happen to know Linux, and you found it funny to see it running there, so you just wanted to take a few pictures 🙂 Leave the CD inside the PC, and leave the store with an innocent face.
7. Put your shots on a web page somewhere, and send an email to to let me know, and I’ll link to your pictures from this web page.
8. Enjoy having made the Open source world advance, even if only a tenth of an inch !

'i dag' (Danish) Blogs Open Source Technology

Linuxforum 2006

LinuxForum 2006

Så er det tid til LinuxForum 2006, sæt kryds i kalenderen den 3 og 4 marts 2006. Der er masser af spændende keynotes, sessioner og udstillere.

Bestil billet her…

Lørdagens program er klart nu. Jeg glæder mig til at se fredagens program, sidste år var der mange spændende talere fra det offentlige, der kunne rapportere fra the “bleeding edge” indenfor OpenSource i det offentlige.

Blogs Education/Undervisning Kim Blog (English) Open Source

On the Wikipedia barricades

After the Wikipedia controversy that surfaced over the last couple of weeks, I’ve decided to join the “merry band of vandals” that make up the community of Wikipedians – e.g. I’ve become an active contributor to Wikipedia.

For proof look here:
*Danish Wikipedia
*English Wikipedia
*Wikimedia Commons

Just by chance I stumbled upon Kim Schumacher while surfing the web, and much to my surprise, I found that there was no Wikipedia entry about him.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

Firefox 1.5 released – and has been given a new ‘home’

The final version of Firefox 1.5 was released Nov-29th. It seems like a safe bet. I’ve been running RC2 and RC3, with no major problems, for a couple of weeks now. I really like the tab-organiser and of course that we now have a danish version of 1.5.

But what to make of the announcement on, that Firefox and Thunderbird has been given “a new home”?

The “new home” is (Mozilla Corporation) rather than (Mozilla Foundation), I suppose this marks some kind of new direction and/or strategy for the Firefox project.

Blogs Kim Blog (English) Open Source Technology

FirefoXXXy 1.5 Release Candidate 2

I ‘ve just downloaded and installed Firefox 1.5 Release Candidate 2. So far it looks like it is working quite well.

Get it here:

The only improvement I’ve noticed so far, is that the RSS subscription icon has been moved to the right of the address bar. This is actually quite a useful improvement, since it makes it easier to see when a site has a feed that you can subscribe to.